Thursday, December 1, 2016

First Of The Month AND Free Coffee?!

**Alarm Rings** ((YAAAAWN)

Hey, It's the first of the month.

I can't not play this song as,

1.) I'm from Cleveland, Ohio (home to the bone, ((and depression)),
2.) Is the number that comes after one. (Thank you Jesuit education.)

Also, I never saw Cleveland streets this festive!

How's everyone feeling?

I'm cold. And you can't spell cold without 'old'. Well, I guess you could.


See? It's a c. Little c with a capital L. What's the capital of C? A or B? Sub question:

  A train from Milwaukee (what is this 1902?) leaves the train station at 11:00am and meets up with another train in Chicago at 2:56pm, if they stop for gas and are going 75mph at equal times what time with the train from Milwaukee get to Chicago if the train conductor dies because he's on his third heart attack and fifth Four Loco.?

**Cue thirteen year old boy raising his hand because he's confused at the question. The teacher comes over.**

"Yes you, the dummy who doesn't get word problems? You have a question?"

It's easy to write out the date when it's the first of the month. 12-1-2016. I sometimes forget the year and I think it's still the 90's.

Remember when gas was 1.50?

I digress.

How's everyone feeling?

I feel great. I just bought a house. Well, my wife and I bought a house and a bank gave me a loan that I will never pay back ((laughs to himself, stares out the window))

I just bought a house in Duvall, Washington for over 400,000. In my hometown of Cleveland, Ohio the house might have gone for 40,000. Because that's what Duvall needs, another zero **points to himself**

But, serioulsy folks, is a great album by Joe Walsh. "Tomorrow, I'll make a list for things to do. And when I wake up,



I just completed my first ever sketch writing comedy class at Seattle's Pocket Theater and it was very informative as it was fun!

Being new to the comedy scene of Seattle and comedy in general, after attempting stand up a few times it was a nice change of pace to allow my mind to view different various aspects of my creativity. It beats attempted murder and being a cereal killer. (I'm looking at you Frosted Flakes!)

  Matt Olsen, improv person, writer, performer and teacher offered a class that was both educational and fun. I strongly recommend all illiterate people listening to this audio to search him out. Good guy.

(Good Guy was also the killer doll Chuckie's manufacturer in the Matell Documentary movie Child's Play, so just fair warning. He might be your 'Friend to the end.")

Not actually Matt Olsen (Batteries however, included)

I met a lot of interesting funny people in my creative sketch writing class. Seattle has an abundance of ambivalent, audacious, adjective, vocab words, (I'm smart) people. Most if not all of the people in my class were people AND had a background in theater. (Small criminal backgrounds too, but it was all good.) If I was giving a Rolling Stone review of this class it would have gotten 5 stars and it wasn't even a musical!

I had a great time.

I can't wait, feel the revival of my inner creative spirit (and demons) to get back on stage! Thank you Pocket Theater. I will take what I learned to the stage and hey I think I might actually make a list of things to do as Joe Walsh says and cross of Improv for the things to do.

Soul Sacrafice is a way better song then it is an actual ceremony. Less screaming.

Anyway, Enjoy your first of the month and remember that the word enjoy doesn't need to be capitalized if you grammmmer naxis are keeping score.

As always, this is your captain Action Jackson signing the blues and looking for clues of a news that isn't dry, but I'll stay sly, I'm your guy. I aint no jerk, and I'm back to work.....


Jack "Francis" Gorbett IV 'The Fourth!' 'Make way!'

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