Thursday, November 17, 2016

Smile For the Press

Smile For the Press

President Obama
President-Elect Trump
MLK's Bust
Little boy
Little girl
Phil Smiley
Lisa Donahue
Jorge Gonzalez
Michelle Obama

Smile For the Press

(Scene. White House Roosevelt Room. President Obama next to President-elect Trump, sitting.)

Obama: And that is why we should be grateful that America is one of the few beacon of lights in our world , in her shinning example, that the peaceful transfer of power must be our example for democracy itself ....
Martin Luther King Jr Bust: What the fu--?!
President looks over at president-elect Trump
Obama: Fun. Fun times. And so Mr. President-elect I want to extend my congratulations to you and to offer you the easiest transition possible moving forward. Thanks everybody...
Lightbulbs flash as the both men shake hands. Press people are shouting. 
Obama: No questions everybody. No questions. Thank you.
Obama saying inaudible conversation to someone off stage
Obama: A few? (agitated) Ok, I'm told we have to field a few. Lets get this over with people.
Press corp shouting.
Phil Smiley: Mr. President! Mr. President! Phil Smiley with 'Your acting is Oscar Worthy News.' President Elect Obama said this about POW John McCain who you ran against in 2008.....
(Cut to cute little 3 year old boy quoting Donald Trump)
Little boy: “He’s not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”
(Cut back to Phil)
Phil Smiley: My question Mr. President is, given the climate at the time of you running for president in 2008, if you would have said that about your then opponent senator McCain, what do you think your chances would have been to A.) avoid being shot  and B) become President of the United States?
(Obama has ripped the arms off the chair he's sitting in but is trying to remain calm)
Obama: Nooo comment!
(Press hollering)
Lisa Donahue: Mr. President! Mr. President! Lisa Donahue with  ::singing: '99 Bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer! We took them down, elected this clown, 98 bottles of beer on the wall' ::somber:: News.' My question is President-Elect Trump said this regarding women, your comments?
(Cut to cute little 3 year old girl quoting Donald Trump)
Little Girl: “You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."
(Obama  looks shocked and is moving his eyes left and right in a 'you have to be kidding me' kind of way. His looks forces painting behind him and the bust of MLK to blow up)
Obama: Nooo comment!
(Press hollering)
Jorge Gonzalez: Mr. President! Mr. President! Jorge Gonzalez with ::Jorge just stares at Obama for six long seconds in the most shocking manner:: News. My question is quite simple. Given what President-Elect Trump has said about immigrants, building a wall, deporting upwards of 3 million people, and equating Mexicans as rapists...uhhhh...What the fuck man?!
(Obama stares blankly in the distance)
Obama:  Noo comment!
(Michelle Obama is holding a vicious Doberman pincher with a tag that says 'comment' on its leash)
Michelle: Try defending against THIS comment.
Obama: Comment, comment Nooo!
Michelle unleashes comment the Doberman pinscher and it immediately tackles Trump and licks his face rapidly.
Donald Trump: hahahahha. Oh, that's a good boy. That's a good boy. Ha,ha it tickles!
Press corp taking pictures
Press Corp (together): AWWWWWWWWW!
(Obama has the look of 'I give up')
Obama: I'm Muslim by the way.
Press Corp (together): DUHHHHHH


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