Wednesday, January 25, 2017

In Defense of Katie Rich/In attack of Katie Rich/ Why Can't I be Rich?

Original SNL head writer Michael O' Donoghue teaching toddlers gun safety

This past Friday SNL writer Katie Rich who writes for Weekend Update was essentially fired for the tweet heard round the twitterverse.

 And the Twitter took to the highly flammable shitter  (author pats himself on back)

Here's the tweet (or thought): "Barron (Trump's ten year old son) will be the country's first homeschool shooter."

 Here's the thing.........

And this is not some new idea or revelation but is worth noting. And follow me because it requires adult thinking:

Yes. Going after President's children should be off limits. I hated it when people criticized the Bush twins for being 'party girls' or the Obama girls for being 'disrespectful' or what have you. Kids are going to be kids. And you know what? If you were a kid and your Dad was POTUS you don't think you'd have some issues? They didn't ask for the spot light, and their anonymity  needs to be protected.

shooooooot. If my Dad or Mom was POTUS my childhood would have consisted of having lots of Buds and it wouldn't be actual people if you catch my BAC.

Katie Rich knows this at heart (that I had a drinking problem), and immediately understood and is sincere in her regret.

From her Twitter account:

"I sincerely apologize for the insensitive tweet. I deeply regret my actions & offensive words. It was inexcusable & I'm so sorry."

The backlash isn't quite so forgiving or thoughtful to the original idea.

No but........

And. She made a huge point about a growing reality. School shootings. Guns in schools. Guns. The idea that yes Barron (and any type of kid who's in the White House) will be homeschooled or maybe they won't be.

I'm sure she regrets using the President's son's name. I'm sure she regrets 'going after him.' Kids should be protected.

And so should ideas and independent thought? They're equal in nature.

Why is it that the comedian gets the backlash?

There are plenty of Obama jokes (outside racist/Islamophobic ones) that I don't agree with but I appreciate their jab and insight to how someone thinks about an issue.

It should be a launching point to discussion. Not a knee jerk reaction. It's good people got upset.

What's so funny about peace, love, anger AND understanding Elvis Costello?

As someone who fancies himself as a mediocre to average writer who loves to think of jokes naturally after reading the hilarious news articles that are 'serious', I tend to look at the world like Alonzo, Denzel Washington's character in Training Day.

"It entertains me. I'm entertained. You won't let me read my newspaper, so you, you entertain me. Tell me a story. A story. BOOM!"

My point is this:  <--------

I hope people give serious thoughts that writers edit 99% of what they think all the time. No matter what show, movie, or comic you're seeing, they constantly edit and revise.

I gave up twitter when I gave up being Amish so I 'think people edit what they say on Twitter?????"

(See POTUS Tweets for clarification)

Yes, going after Baron Trump is not productive nor is it kind. When you're making an extreme point (or in this case sad reality) a shock value is implied.

Given how no matter who holds power, and that their family is always on the table for google searches, it's unfortunate but random words of hurt, can damage them.

I'm glad Katie is being Katie. I recently wrote her to offer her thanks and for being sincere.

Don't kill the messenger immediately folks. Take time to understand each other.

At the end of the day it's democracy as we all try to bring civility and joviality in a trivial arena.

The Public Realm (JJ Abrahams new offshoot to Lost) "Jack or Sawyer ladies?" I like Sawyer.....

...Ok I digress.....

As Katie Rich suffers the backlash of the first amendment I hope she gets her job back at SNL and even has the POTUS on the air to address public bullying together.

This is something that even mad Mr. Mike would be proud of..............

And somewhere right now he's homeschooling himself in heaven with a gun given to him by Moses to use as a writing device.

::Sigh:: imagination.

As Sanka said in Cool Running's, "Peace be the journey!"


"Yeah Mon?"

"You dead?"

I'm glad the first amendment isn't.

Your Patriot that's never late for it,

Action Jackson.

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