Friday, June 15, 2018

Thoughts on Improv and Life. (One Year In..To the improv, I'm 34.


"Wham, bam thank you jam!"

"Free money!"

"Take the horse out to the water and YOU drink from it!"

"You never give me your money, you only give me your funny papers."

One of these quotes is a Beatle's lyric, the others?


 A letter away from the word improve, improv is an art form that looks to take something from nothing . Nothing is rehearsed, and if it is,  it's that momentary split second in your mind as you commit to say and do.

And we're all looking for ways to improve.

"Oh sweet ignition be my muse, you have no choice you have to choose."

Lyrics from a Foo Fighter's song "Something From Nothing" which is also a perfect perception for what improv is.

As in life as it is on stage, you have to may a choice.

Is it soda, or pop?
Peanut butter, or jelly?
Police Academy 6, or the Godfather?

Steve Guttenberg is waiting for your decision.

The truth is we  are all improvisers shaping the world.

 And, uh, is there any question? Police Academy 6!

We all take information, store it, and add our own "yes and" (the fundamental mantra of improv) to the new information which we have learned.

We make a series of choices each day that shape not only are overall well being, but the well being of others and the world around us. We 'Harry Potter' each day making new choices improving or disproving the world around us.

In the year that I've been fortunate to immerse myself in this art form I've been humbled that improv has confirmed my yearning to remain optimistic in a dark world.

It's also scary and terrifying.

You learn a lot about yourself and others when you don't have time to think on a stage. You have to truly listen to your partner and comprehend the 'offer' that was given.

In a world of  bowed necks from smart phones, where people (myself included) look like they're in reverent prayer (or on the cover of a Boyz II Men cover), it can be hard to truly engage with strangers, with the body politic.

Improv has brought me back to 1995 if you will. Although, it didn't resurrect all those classic Nickelodeon t.v shows as a kid, so thanks a lot improv!

As I approach my one year anniversary doing what my idols did with fun and creativity I sit back and smile.

Remember, you're an improviser.

And........................................ it's not Digiorno, it's improv.


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