Friday, June 9, 2017

Daily Activity Report June 9th 2017


Daily report- June 9, 2017


Slept for 2 hrs 3 min from: 4:15 am to 6:18am. Restless at bedtime. Needed Twitter.


12:00 am-diaper- BM, Diaper Cream

12:05am-diaper-BM, Diaper Cream

12:10am-daiper-BM, Wet (please bring more diaper cream)


Weekly Theme: What is the Constitution?

Today’s Focus: Listening to others

Cognitive Development:

Today we worked with our white house staff as a team to read through Article 2 of the U.S. constitution!  We worked on our listening recognition skills as staff pointed out what the constitution is and what it’s not. We were given the choice to read the U.S. constitution or listen to Morgan Freeman voice the Declaration of Independence. We chose to talk about our steak business.

Creative Art:

Today we used watercolors to paint the constitution with artistic legal scholars!?  Yes! We had a little trouble following teacher’s requests, when we got off topic about how we were the 'best creative artist ever to live'.  We had a hard time locating the paint brush thinking it was a cleaning supply for quote, 'the help to worry about'. We tried! A for effort.

Language arts:

Today we focused on words and why they matter! Today we read “The Little Engine that Could” but couldn’t sit still. We had a little fuss about why the little engine was in our worldview  'weak' but we managed to get through half the book. Progress!  


Today we sang the song “Revolution” by the Beatles and danced along with friends. We got a little upset upon learning it was written by and I quote “A communist. Total loser folks, I mean, c’mon, I mean…you mean to tell me that?...look…look…..” As we went off on a tangent about how we were the best at singing at how the I-pod was quote, “mine!” We did move to the other side of the classroom though, so as not to disturb the fun. And we learned upon moving to that side that we weren't the manager of the Beatles. That was Brian Epstien.

Motor Skills:

Today we used our hands to play with something other than social media on a device. We took a long walk through the White House visiting all 132 rooms. The Lincoln bedroom was our favorite and we did need some 'cool off' time when we learned we couldn't brand it Trump's Pad encased in gold.

Outside Time:

While usually done outside as it implies, today we got outside ourselves! We visited a homeless shelter in civilian clothes to ask and stress to others, “Tell me about YOURSELF?” We stressed the self-part that wasn’t us! We tried to listen to a man and women speak of their current lack of affordable housing and after three whole minutes of intent listening we excused ourselves noticing a Jimmy John's next door.

Science/Nature studies:

Today we learned about the planet Earth, and that we all live on it. “Without Earth, we don’t belong” we sang  as we looked at maps and various globes in the Oval Office. We pointed out in our theme that the U.S. constitution was written on Earth!  We asked why we don’t live on Jupiter since it’s quote, “The biggest and badest planet!” When given scientific information that Jupiter is a gas giant with no hard surface to walk on and gasses that would kills us we remained steadfast in our thinking. We redirected our question to a tour group that swung by.

Self-help/Life Skills:

Today we spoke up and asked for help when we didn’t know something. We knew everything.

Social Science:

Today we worked on memorizing faces of people we see every day. We smiled when we saw Mike Pence, Paul Ryan and our good silly goofy friend “Vlady.”




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