Thursday, August 4, 2016

Donald Trump's Dream #43


Trump Dream

And Look I Wanted to Get the BIGGEST Font Edition:

Donald Trump finds himself, after a long night of New York club hopping, back at his desk performing his best Tony Montana in snorting a line of cocaine off his desk. He falls asleep. He's transported to his life giving a speech to some group of people. The year is maybe 1988.

"And I'll tell you something else. Look, look, we're going to build a wall, ok?! Ok?! A wall so yuge and so massive and look. Look. You're going to be able to comment on this wall ok? You can like it too. You can cherry pick facts on this wall. You can get a source from anybody I don't know and post it on this wall. Ok? Look, I've said it before I love the poorly educated! And babies! Oh I love babies, ok? So what are we going to do folks?! How are we going to build this wall.?I'll tell you. I'll tell you."

**alarm rings Mr. Trump from his sleep. He immediately calls his secretary.**

Trump: Deborah, call Saul Goldstein, I have to sue Mark Zuckerberg!

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