Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Summer Seattle Sounds (And other failed attempts at alliteration)

A Sleep Up Ambien Production 

I wasn’t even ten yet when the album bearing the same number from Seattle Supersonic Mookie Blaylock's (yes that’s a name) jersey changed the musical landscape for grunge and Seattle as a new limitless, musical landscape.

There was another album that I can’t seem to place that was a huge commercial success. I can't really remember it. Oh well, 

As a kid, when I thought about the west and was lucky enough to embark in 1994 on a Griswold style vacation with family cross country, I had my eyes set on Seattle. Well honestly, I had my eyes on just being on the west coast of this great vast country of ours. I grew up on MTV and remember the pre-Carson Daily Total Request Live Days where it was a:

("Hi I'm Carson Daily a guy who's going to hide my age by not using references you kids won't understand. That was Christina Aguilera with "Some Pop song we will soon forget" up next it's the new No Doubt."
(30 seconds into video)
"Ok that was great, up next and after these series of commercials for the new reality series we are pimping it's Eminem with Stan!")
Those pre Carson days were Remote Control with Colin Quinn and Head Bangers Ball. Acts actually played live and loud. Of course I can remember Seattle having already exploded with a musical burst, that MTV started playing more "Seattley" things all the time.
Creed? (Coughs and clears throat ::Pearl Jam knock off::)
My youthful summers were defined by seeing acts live and Seattle always had an aura of the Emerald City of Wizard of Oz (Pun intended.)
I can remember we spent two nights in July, the summer of 94’ and the city had a feel of realness I can’t even describe but remember so precisely. Everyone looked like the guitar player for the Screaming Trees, and the trees were screaming.


Before the trip I knew these famous bands, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden even Mudhoney were products of a region known as much for its rain as its sound.

Having a cooler older sister and hip father who has always had an ear to what new sounds are-a-brewing nationally, a trip to Seattle might as well have been a musical pilgrimage to an eleven-year-old who just six months prior had listened to Bleach and thought,


It is with the same wonder and excitement as a youth discovering music that I’m excited for a Seattle summer that will bring with it new bands, concerts, and farmers markets!
Oh the farmer's markets.

I already got my tickets to see both Guns N’ Roses and Weezer, Panic at the Disco!, and Andrew Mcmahon. (It’s a ‘Hey Remember the 80’s and early 90’s and early 00’s summer to be re-realized)
Traveling to the Seattle area or are you a local resident who's looking to see a live act no matter how big or small? Here's a quick list of the concert calendar for you audiophiles out there.
Don't be a stranger to the local scene.

It’s gearing up to be a great summer, and with recent weather showing that the ‘black hole sun’ that Chris Cornell is cooing about is alive in Seattle, I’m gearing up for a heat wave.

It’s with the same heat that so many prolific local bands sound crazy good. How good you ask? Here are five local bands that I can’t stop listening to, all unique in their Seattle debonair flare.

Check these bands out like you would your bank statement. Readers note. I just discovered these bands and many are new but also date back a couple years.

 Hobosexual (If the Black Keys played Black Sabbath while listening to early Beastie Boys. Listen to any track of Hobosexual II and be transported to the good side of 80's metal. The song The Black Camaro Death is Prince if he was metal in the 80's mixed with mind blowing riffs. This band disappoints the same way you getting a 300,000 raise at work is a bummer.)

Bleachbear (Think 90's indie pop with a teen's perspective of youthful melodic purity. Oh and if the musicianship of three young girls don't blow you away, the 'all in the family' dynamic minus any pretentiousness is as warm as their depth)

The Fabulous Party Boys (Got Funk? This groovy band will put the Mothership in the Emerald City and have you dancing all night. Great musicianship and a feel that if you're not dancing or moving when listening to this music then I can't help you. Take a Trip with this band as the Tuba bass, horns, guitar, drums and vocals transcend your idea of what music is.)

Porter Ray (Seattle Hip-Hop isn't just thrift shopping. I started with this video. Feel free to explore. the mind of a flow that is as unique as the Seattle skyline. Mixing elements of Jazz, funk, rock, and unique sounds, one gets the idea that if Porter Ray was stuck in 520 traffic he'd be able to make a song about it with the sounds. Refreshing is the word that best describes this more then capable MC from the Emerald City.)

The Mama Rags (Garage rock with a knitty gritty feel and old soul vibe. I was hooked by the track 'Hectic Electic.' Guaranteed to rock your inner child. This band looks like the way I envision them when I heard them. A cross between Aerosmith in their hay day, and Hanoi Rocks. It's not surprise that the guitars are on fire. They can easily slow it down as well. Check out their live videos. I've yet to see them live, but can't wait as I get further into their music.

There’s oh so much more. I’ve been living around Seattle for five years now and the prolific  people that live in the surrounding Puget Sound are as common as Evergreen trees.

It’s no wonder I feel that a new generation of music is exploding out of Seattle and this time it’s not so much the sound, but the eclectic amount of artists that are exploding at every genre.
It’s like if Scorcesse, Francis Ford Copolla, Tony Scott, and Steven Spielberg are growing up at the same time.

The best thing you can do is google ‘Seattle music scene’ and discover the same exciting ethos that I did when I was eleven.

Nobody pays attention to Seattle until we produce the best things ever.

Amazon, Microsoft, Mountains, Coffee, Passive Aggressive Politeness; these are things not to be taken for granted.

So start your summer off right and get an ear up for some hot music and new bands.

I have no idea how the music industry works anymore. I know that there are hundreds of bands in Seattle neighborhoods that are trucking by just fine under the radar and rocking in the free world that is Seattle.

I look forward to seeing a few local acts as they play with the passion that drew so many people to the Pacific Northwest in the first place. No not legal weed.

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