Friday, March 22, 2024

"GPS" Parody of Nirvana's "Polly"

"GPS" A parody of Nirvana's "Polly"

GPS, it is a tracker

I think I should get off on 1st.

I think it has us near water

Turning left onto someone's porch.

Isn't me, it takes the lead 

Love my whip, car directions sing

Let me take a ride, navigation helps

Want a visual, display screen show yourself

Google Maps, haven't told

Promise you, technology isn't new

Let me take a ride, cutting traffic helps

Want driving gudiance, GPS helps.

GPS , it is a tracker

Maybe it was made by dudes

It asked me to turn left on

Sexually inappropriate street names that are lude.

Isn't me, it takes the lead 

Love my whip, car directions sing

Let me take a ride, navigation helps

Want a visual, display screen show yourself 

Google Maps, haven't told

Promise you, technology isn't new

Let me take a ride, cutting traffic helps

Want driving gudiance, GPS helps.

GPS says

GPS says I'm at Hertz 

It's just as bored as me

I'm waiting for my rental car

Inside is Tom Brady

Isn't me, it takes the lead

Love my whip, car directions sing

Let me take a ride, navigation helps

Want a visial , display screen show yourself 

Google Maps, haven't told

Promise you, technology isn't new 

Let me take a ride, cutting traffic helps

Want driving gudiance, GPS helps.

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